Medicine packaging – the major differences between Europe and the USA to be aware of

Packaging must match a number of purposes, such as: protect the goods, avoid stealing, be cheap, and maintain an equilibrium among its efficacy and its cost, both from the perspective of the material used and the time taken to make the packing.

From an ecological standpoint, it is vital that materials are quickly recycled and used as little as possible.
There are many items on the market that can be mixed up between each other due to similar aspects, colors or labels. Medicine packages should differ considerably from sanitation and food products. For example, US tablet packaging confuses a medication with a food, and this is not a good idea… for the purchaser. Packaging for human medicines is one of the significant fields of design and study. So it would be good to keep in mind that, in this matter, there are evident contrasts between the EU and the United States. Although health in the US is a topic of privates and insurance economic issues, in most states in the EU it is governmental. This diversity changes the manner in which medicines are seen by people. Thus, US drugstores offer a wide choice of medications with a graphic design that in Europe is tipical of more or less alimentary supplements.

On the contrary, in the EU, where the advertising of drugs is much more severe, the tablet packaging tends to fave a more practical look, with nothing fancy and no suggestions. The justification for this difference in marketing messages is clear: the package’s target in the EU are doctors, while in the majority of the USA, the destination of the package is the patient.
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